How to Add Material to the Bloom App Library?

1. Adding Material to the Library

  • Log in to the Bloom App and get into the Workspace.
  • Click on the Library button (next to Taskboard, Growth).
  • On the page’s right side, click the Create activity button.
  • Fill in the required information in the corresponding fields.

The goal of each field and tag is to make the content as accessible and appealing as possible to entrepreneurs and those interested in entrepreneurship, guiding them to the resources most relevant and beneficial to their journey.

Title: Choose a concise, attention-grabbing title that clearly reflects the essence of the content.

Short Description: Summarize the key value or main takeaway of the content in one-two sentence(s).

Full Description: Provide a detailed overview of the content, highlighting its objectives, key insights, and the main takeaways.

Categories: Select relevant categories that best classify the content, aiding in its discovery by users interested in specific topics.

Labels: Tag the content with labels that describe the following categories

  • Organization Type: Business structure or sector category.
  • Organization Stage: Current phase of business growth.
  • Activity Recipes: Broad purpose category.
  • Activity Duration: Time needed to complete activity.
  • Activity Type: Nature or category of the activity.

Sub activities: Indicate is this activity has any related subactivities.

Attachments: Include or link to any supplementary materials (e.g., PDFs, videos, slides) that provide additional value or practical tools related to the content.

Image: Add an compelling image that best represents the content.

2. Ensuring Content Relevance to Entrepreneurs

A. Understand Your Audience:

  • Identify Pain Points: Consider the challenges and pain points entrepreneurs face, such as fundraising, scaling a business, team management, product development, and navigating market trends.
  • Current Trends and Needs: Stay informed about the latest trends in technology, business models, leadership, and innovation that entrepreneurs are interested in.

B. Types of Content Entrepreneurs Value:

  • Educational Resources: Tutorials, case studies, and guides that offer practical advice on starting and managing a business.
  • Inspirational Stories: Success stories and interviews with successful entrepreneurs can provide motivation and actionable insights.
  • Market Insights: Analysis and reports on market trends, consumer behavior, and emerging industries.
  • Tool Reviews: Reviews and recommendations of tools and software to improve business operations, productivity, and efficiency.
  • Networking and Community: Content facilitating connections with other entrepreneurs, mentors, and industry experts.

C. Evaluate Content for Entrepreneurial Relevance:

  • Practicality: Is the content actionable and provides practical implementation tips?
  • Innovation: Does it introduce new ideas, strategies, or technologies that can disrupt or advance how entrepreneurs operate?
  • Expertise: Is the content created or curated by individuals and/or organizations with proven field expertise or experience?
  • Timeliness: Is the information current and relevant to the business landscape?

3. Writing Effective Content Descriptions

A. Capture Attention Quickly:

  • Headline: Create a compelling headline that indicates the value of the content to the entrepreneur.
  • Opening Sentence: Start with an engaging sentence summarizing the content’s key takeaway or unique value proposition.

B. Be Clear and Concise:

  • Simplicity: Use simple, straightforward language that is easy to understand.
  • Brevity: Keep descriptions concise but informative enough to convey the essence of the content.

C. Highlight Key Benefits:

  • Practical Benefits: Explain how the content will help solve a problem, improve skills, or provide essential knowledge.
  • Unique Insights: Mention any unique insights, data, or case studies included that cannot be found elsewhere.

D. Call to Action:

  • Engagement: Encourage readers to engage with the content by asking questions, leaving comments, or sharing their experiences.
  • Further Exploration: Suggest related resources or next steps after consuming the content.